Where we are
Address : S.P. 234 Km 10.600 (Ex S.S. 170) Corato (BA)
GPS coordinates:
Lat. N 41° 05’ 43.70”
Lon. E 16° 20’ 42.12”
How to get there:
A14 exit Trani, continue to Corato and then to Castel del Monte, following the signs for Torrevento, for about 10 km from the city exit – or – S.S. 98 Bari-Foggia, Minervino Castel del Monte exit. Follow for Castel del Monte: the winery is 9 km from the highway exit, on the right.
Tel: (+39) 080 8980923; (+39) 080 3720057
Fax: (+39) 080 8980944
Torrevento wines can be purchased directly from our store, from Monday to Saturday.
Opening hours:
Monday to Friday 08:30 – 18:00
Saturdays: 08:30 – 13:00